All Saints CofE (VA) Primary School

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Current training to support parents

NHS Summer Newsletter is attached here: Summer Newsletter

Please find below links to support for parents.

Parent support flyers - Summer 2024

 Upcoming training for Autumn Term 2024

Free Relationship Support Courses for Hertfordshire Parents and Carers
Disagreements are a normal part of life. How you approach them can make all the difference to you, your partner, and your children. Learn skills to navigate changes in your relationships, develop positive communication skills and learn practical steps that you can bring into your child's life to help them cope during and/or after a separation or divorce.

Parenting When Separated: A 6-week group-based course for separated parents that focuses on the emotional impact of separation and supporting communication between co-parents.
We have 2-day time courses confirmed and a further evening course being planned:
Online course starting on Tuesday 3rd September until 8th October 10-12:30
Face to Face course to be held in Stevenage (venue tbc) starting on Thursday 17th October until the 28th November (excluding 31st October for half term) 10-12:30
Parenting When Separated Referral Form (

OnePlusOne’s digital interventions:
3 online courses aimed at new parents, intact parents and parents that are separated.

Arguing Better
For all parenting journeys Disagreements are a normal part of life. How you approach them can make all the difference to you, your partner, and your children.

Me, You and Baby Too
For new parenting journeys Learn how to navigate the changes that happen in a relationship when a baby arrives.

Getting It Right For Children
For all co-parenting journeys Learn how to develop positive communication skills that enable you to parent co-operatively and work out solutions together.
The course can be completed at your own pace independently or with support from staff at your local Family Centre or Local School Partnership. You can get started with this digital course as soon as you register for a free OnePlusOne account.

All courses and further support can be found on the Relationship support for parents | Hertfordshire County Council

Parent support flyers - Autumn 2024